

A portrait reveals more than just a person's face. Captured in the right location, it tells an entire story. At the same time, I need to make the most out of the location and its conditions, all while a person is waiting for the relieving click – 'Now we have it all!' I practice discreet multitasking for that one important task: to stage people as effectively as possible.

Gustav Peichl, Architect and Caricaturist (1928-2019)

Gaby Cook & Nathan Bugh, Dancers

„Sometimes it needs a stage where there is none.“, Unknown

Armin Thurnher, Journalist

Barbara Prainsack, Author

Anne Wieben, Opera Singer

Tobias & Nelly, Dance Trainer

Clara, Waitress

Christian Brandstätter, Publisher

Peter Oswald, Artist

Heike Stahl, Restaurant Owner

Patrick Rezazadeh, CEO VRG

Jessica Hausner, Director (left)
Anja Plaschg, Musician (right)


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